
Friday, December 19, 2008

Long and short handles - Quest #2

I recently got this book bend-the-rules sewing by Amy Karol and one of the projects is surprise, surprise - a long and short handled tote.

One of the differences I noticed about Amy Karol's style is she left the opening for turning the bag right side out in the top of the bag. I've always done it the old-fashioned way through the lining.

She mentioned a website in the book and to my horror/shock/delight she is also Angry Chicken. I had seen stuff made by Angry Chicken before and for some queer reason I thought Angry Chicken was a very angry male farmer. I cannot understand my own thought process.

I made the longer handle really long as I thought it would look really nice.

I used different fabric for front and back.

A nice pink patch pocket for my coins.

Inside out.

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