
Friday, November 6, 2009

You are forgiven if you mistook the above for a table cloth. It's retro canvas floral print. If anyone were to ask me if I like flowers I would firmly deny it. Somehow, I take it as an accusation! But the truth is I do like floral print. Just don't tell anyone.

I notice that each time I make a pleated bag, it turns out different. The reason is simple. I forget where I wrote down the measurements for the last pleated bag. So I just use another measurement. This round I accidentally cut the band too wide. But I decided not to correct it as I thought it looked really nice.

Some news to share. I have purchased my domain name Yes, it's not free. The purpose is to house my bags and stuff which I put up for sale. All prices are in Singapore dollars. So if you are from a country where the currency rate is in your favor, this should be good news. :) I accept PAYPAL and for Singapore residents, direct local bank transfer. My retro pleated bag and 2 stationery purses are now available for sale at . Next week, I'll post more items for sale. So check it out.

As for this blog, I'm still keeping it. So don't you worry. I still need an outlet to show off my latest discovery in bag making techniques. Hurhur. Otherwise it's just me sitting in front of the sewing machine and thinking to myself. Hurhur.

Btw, Jenny of Littleover Living, I haven't forgotten about the Piggy felt brooch tutorial. It's coming up next week. So come back and check it out.

Happy weekend and don't forget, I'm selling at the red dot design on Sat and Sun from 11am to 7pm. Admission to museum is free.

1 comment:

You meow me.
You really meow me.