
Thursday, July 26, 2012

A scarf and a failed sale

Hey folks,

Do you wear scarves? Do you know how to tie a scarf? Personally, I wear scarves around my neck but only when it's cold. I pretty much leave my head alone. I think I told you guys about BlogHer TV which I've installed at the top of my sidebar? You need to hover your mouse over it until it starts playing.

Anyhoo, I was watching one of the mini shows on the Fashion and Beauty channel. It's called The Girls With Glasses show. See the image above. Yep, the girls wore glasses. I really like the one in yellow dress. She's so kooky. And she's afraid of heights! Ah, I don't feel so alone now. I decided to see if I could tie myself a decent scarf.

I dug out my most awesomest coolest kerchief. I like how the word kerchief chopped off the hand! Back to the scarf. Are you ready?

I've discovered my head is too oddly shaped to hold a kerchief securely.

The only way out was to go for the peasant look and tie the ends under my chin. Wow. It really emphasized the length of my face. As many, many, many women love to point out to me: (in case it has escaped my attention)

Jane, your face is really long. Really, really, really long. I'm not kidding.

Lest this turns into a mini rant, let's take a look at Bear's attempt at kerchiefing.

Maybe, maybe.

It's a No.

* * *

Lastly, something real to rant about.

This is not my usual sexy zippy wristlet. It's supersized.

See, many customers have been asking me if I have larger sexy zippy wristlet. Apparently the size of handphones have either gone larger or the size of iPads-ish gadgets have gone smaller. Either way, they don't fit into my regular sexy zippy wristlet. Well, they keep asking and I keep not having any. Finally, I told myself if just one more person asks for it, I'll make the effort to make one. And one person did ask for it. As I hadn't yet tried it out, I decided I would make it first. Which means I did not collect payment. Which is always a bad idea. Always.

Now here I am feeling like a fool because the buyer has not responded to my emails. I'm sure I will be able to sell it at my next VivoCity craft market. But that's not the point, right? Hubs will surely say "I told you so."

I think I shall call this new size Sexy Mama Wristlet.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

How to sew a long thin strap

I had been using a store bought poly-vinyl cord as a strap for my Get up and go go sling bag. But the ends of the cord were fraying so I decided to sew a long thin strap to replace it.

Here's how I did it if you don't already know how. First fold along the length to get about 30". You'll end up with 60". For my height 166cm (around 5' 5"), this strap is pretty long. But I like the bag to hang low, below my hip.

Use an iron to get the crease!

Is this how you sew a long thin strap? The magic is in the ironing.


Bag Patterns at my Etsy shop

For more Applique Resources
For more Tutorials

Thursday, July 19, 2012

My Little July Surprise

Hey there,

Today I took a break from working on my ePattern and went to see The Dark Knight Rises. You need to pay a lot of attention to the storyline so no dozing is possible. Not a bad movie although the first third was a little too slow for me. Plus I don't remember the story from Part I and Part II. If you've seen the movie, do you agree with me that the Bat "motor cycle" is way cooler than the Bat "car"?

When I reached home, I immediately started work on THIS.

It's just ONE lunchtime pouch but you get to see 5 different views.

The exterior is constructed using MoMo's It's a Hoot fabric. Just a few pieces of fabric patched together. The lining is my medium size polka dots and for the bottoms, I used the weird green cotton  drill.

You like it? 
You want it? 
Come and get it.

Yes. This little lunchtime pouch is my July Giveaway. I will fold it up, wrap it up, seal it in an envelope and mail it to 1 lucky winner.

How to enter:

Answer this question:
What superhero powers do you wish to possess?

You have a maximum of 4 entries per person. For each entry, you must leave a comment leaving your email. (you can write your email like this: e.g. username AT gmail DOT com)

Additional entries
- Blog about this giveaway. Leave your blog post url.
- Tweet about this giveaway.
- Facebook about this giveaway.

☻ You must leave your email address if your blogger profile is not tied to your email.
☻ Open worldwide.
☻ Ends on last day of July 2012.

You don't have to be witty
To win my giveaway
You just have to be picked
By Mr Random.Org

♠ Winner will be announced in the first week of August 2012. Winner must respond to my email of her/his win within 48hours. Otherwise Mr Random.Org will find another winner then.

You need not follow me to enter my giveaway but it would make me dance. So why don't you? Here's how:
Blogger - See sidebar for "My Entourage"
Email - See sidebar for "Follow by email"

Just in case you're wondering, if I were a superhero, I would want to be able to FLY. Except I don't know how my height phobia would fit in. Just imagine me flying up, up and ....nausea, fear, crying...
You get the idea. Well, at least it's not my biggest worry in the world.

p.s. if you wish to make a lunchtime pouch, you could learn how by buying my ePattern here. (patchwork instructions are not included)

Good luck.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

A tiny change in my blog


Long time no see? I've been preoccupied. I've had my head stuck in my computer the past few days. Writing ePatterns is gruelling. I'm totally exhausted but I can't stop yet. It should be done soooon.... this month, I hope!

Just wanted to pop in and tell you I have installed BlogHer TV on my blog. See top sidebar. It's totally non-intrusive. You need to mouse over it to get it started.

I have set the default channel to Fashion & Beauty (because it looked more interesting). But you can click on the 2 other channels Food & Cooking or Humor & Inspiration. These channels will be tweaked in future.

Ha ha. No you don't get Fringe or Modern Family or Survivor or Project Runway. Anyhoos, watch the default channel if you don't know how to pronounce Balenciaga.

I'm trying out this BlogHer TV and would appreciate your comments if you have any. Oh, like is it irritating? I didn't even see it! And in case you're wondering, I do get thrown a few pennies except I haven't yet read the "hows and ifs".

* * *

I've also made a blog post signature. See bottom of post.

Would you like one? Click here for Sew Many Ways tute.
And once you've uploaded it to blogger or your photo host, you need not upload it again.
Instead of "Upload", just pull it from your blog or Picasa web album.

* * *

Well come back tomorrow or the day after. I might have a little surprise for you.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Turning a fabric tube

Hi people,

It's Friday and I've been feeling this way for a week already. I get symptoms of flu - weird nerve sensations all over and achiness but no fever. So I feel neither well nor truly unwell. I've had to nap every day otherwise I feel like I'll be very ill. It is very unsettling. I have massive headaches again and I don't know what I'm doing wrong. It could be due to the weird weather we have. Hopefully it'll blow over. All these aren't symptoms of old age right? Right?

Hey, what is it about boys and camo fabric? This is the 4th pencil case I've made for a boy. Oh, but look how I've sneaked in a pink pen in the image? I've never had a boy come to my craft market begging mom to buy a pouch from me. I suppose most of the fabric I've used are too girly?

* * *

Yes, I know I'm supposed to be decluttering but I couldn't resist buying this. Do you know what it is?

It's an umbrella! We have many umbrellas in my home. Most stop working after a while. My kids have 2 umbrellas each - one in the school bag and one in the going out bag. In Singapore, it rains very frequently. Or should I say sure as rain it will rain.

I'm a sucker for these Japanese dolls.

* * *

In a previous post My Sewing Tools I showed you my loop turners which I use to turn my fabric tube right side out. If you've never used these you won't know how they work. So here's a little let-me-show-you-how-it's-done.

Here I have a tube sewn up with seams ironed open

See this little thingy - it is used to grip your fabric.

Insert fabric tube into loop turner until you hit the thingy.

The beginning part is not easy. No kidding.

Be patient. Be gentle. Do it slow.

Keep some nails for this intricate task.

If you've done it correctly the loop turner emerges. If not, you would have dropped the grip on the fabric tube and have to redo it all over again. It has happened to me several times.

This is how I turn all my fabric tubes. But this method is not for everyone. A safety pin might work better for you. Go here if you want to see an Amazon listing for this loop turner.

The important thing is not to get cocky when you're halfway through and go at full speed. That's usually when you drop your grip on the fabric tube.

* * *

This loop turner has another function. 

See the gap where you can grip your drawstring or rope or cord? The grip is pretty good for a small thickness. Otherwise, just tie a secure loop.

Do I need to show you how to insert the drawstring into a casing? I guess not. The loop turner bends. It's a bendy loop turner. I insert all my drawstrings for my lunchtime pouch using this method. Of course, a safety pin works just as well.

Have a good weekend.