
Friday, May 24, 2013

Once you go big


Once you go big, you'll never be able to make a "normal size" zip pouch again. I forgot to use something for sizing when I took the pics earlier but trust me when I say this zip pouch is big.

This is the last item I made for my weekend craft market. I could have made a few more items but I went swimming yesterday and that's like one day's worth of "work" to me. And this morning, my nose allergy was triggered so I don't feel like working anymore. I might even do the price tagging at Vivocity...

Anyway, I showed hubs the flapper girl zip pouch I made and he said:

I have no idea what it is but I want it!

Hopefully, I get the same reaction at the market.


  1. Love that one! wish you luck at the sales!
    Oh tell hubs the pouch is plenty big for his iPhone 5 and he will look so stylish lol
    you both crack me up ! ha

  2. It looks like a good size for an iPad! Well, technically you need to make it this big because of the print on the fabric! Tell your husband to bring cash to the craft market! :)

  3. Love the big pouch! What pretty fabric! You really used it to good advantage!!
    Good luck this weekend.


You meow me.
You really meow me.