
Friday, January 6, 2017

Journey Girl Dana

Are you scared of dolls? If so, 18 inch dolls should scare you even more. Recently I bought myself a 18 inch Journey Girl from Toys R Us.

Her name is Dana. It was the name given to her by the doll designer. Most doll collectors rename the dolls they buy. For me, it just doesn't work. So Dana it is.

It was quite hard removing Dana from the box. Like breaking out of prison hard. It's almost as if she wanted to stay inside the box forever. I looked her over and only found a tiny amount of stains. Not enough to make me storm down to the store for an exchange.

Her stock outfit include a shawl, long sleeved shirt, skirt, undies, socks and shoes. I'm not crazy about the shawl.

I feel a little pervy showing you her under garment.

Dana stands rather well. Sitting, not so much. She isn't a ball jointed doll after all. She comes with a soft body which I used to dislike a lot but after reading up about play dolls, many of which come with soft bodies, I grew less anal.

Out of all the Journey girls, I picked Dana. You know why? Her glasses.

Her glasses are removable. It's like getting two dolls!

The doll comes with a cheap vinyl bag. Dana can't wear it cross body because the strap is too short to go over her head and arms. I guess I'll have to make one for her. Dana makes me want to sew for her. In fact, I've already made a dress for her. Show it to you soon.

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You meow me.
You really meow me.