When my daughter was in kindy (a long time ago), I made a version of this sling bag for her. It is an easy beginner friendly bag pattern. Someone new to bag making would be able to make this bag, I believe. My daughter is too big to model this bag now so poor Bear has to do it.
The pattern is fairly easy. You can choose a flat bottom or one with rounded corners. Also, make it with a contrast fabric for the flap or use the same fabric throughout.
And in case you're wondering, for the flaps, I used Zig fabric pens to colour the houses and trees. It was fun! To read the nitty gritty details check out my listing in my shop.
Pattern available in my Etsy shop now. Or buy off my blog by clicking on the Buy Now button below. First time buyer from my blog please read my faq. Ecommerce provided by payhip.
is it Sling or Sing?
ReplyDeleteThanks! It's Sling.