Sunday, October 9, 2016

Performance Series #4

This morning, hubs and I woke up at 6:45am, put on our running gear and took a taxi to Bedok Reservoir for our fourth Performance Series run. Bedok Reservoir is in the eastern part of Singapore and quite far from my home. The taxi fare came up to $25.

Want to hear something funny? Last Sunday hubs and I woke up at 6:45am, put on our running gear and took a taxi to Bedok Reservoir for our fourth Performance Series run. Except we went on the wrong day! It was so funny and embarrassing. And stupid because we could have slept in.

We have been lucky the last 3 runs. The weather was good. This morning it rained. It didn't rain where I live but it rained badly at Bedok Reservoir earlier in the morning. When we arrived, we saw a lot of runners queuing up. There was no sight of any crew from the organisers. Usually they are around to guide you to the starting point. We asked someone and he said the runners in Wave 1 did get to run but halfway, the route was cut short and the run was cancelled. If you are a competitive runner, you will be in Wave 1. For runners in Wave 2 and 3, the organisers had not yet decided to go ahead with the run. When we were at the park, the ground was wet but the rain had stopped quite a while.

So we waited.
I had brought my hat because I was expecting sun. I guess I should check the weather app before leaving home. I felt kinda silly wearing a hat in cloudy weather so in the end I put it in my fanny pack.

Finally, it was announced that runners in Wave 2 and 3 would run together. Hubs is in Wave 3. I had 45 mins to kill for my 5km run. While waiting I people watched.

This couple in the 10km run came with a PRAM. They were denied entry. I don't know if they managed to run later.

This group of runners came very late for their 10km run. The crew was about to close the lane. And they hadn't even put on their bibs and time chips!

A bride and groom came with their entourage for a photo shoot. They didn't care the ground was wet and muddy. Well, wait till they see the laundry bill!

Finally it was my turn to run. It was pretty uneventful.
Just the usual few assholes elbowing their way through the path. It's always the guys who do it. Women are nicer runners.

I got sand in my shoes because we ran on a sandy path for a short period.

I ran into hubs along the way.

My timing was nearly 42min. I could have gotten a better timing if it weren't for the slope we had to run up in the last 1.5km. I'm bad at slopes and it knocked the wind out of me.

Oh, I ran into Spidey.

Do you remember a long time ago I had a photo taken with a Abercrombie and Fitch model (see post here) and I was a little awkward wondering how to pose, should I put my hand on this waist? The same thing happened here. See my left arm. I was about to grab him by the waist!

One more run to go and all my medals will form the island of Singapore.


1. Chris H said...

I think it's really neat that all your medals will form Singapore! WEll done chick.

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