Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Free motion doodling

Last night I was doodling on my tablet thingy and a thought came to mind. Now, if you've been reading my blog long enough, you'll know I'm a fan of The Far Side and the one panel comic strip. I decided to turn my doodle into a one panel comic strip except to make it even more challenging, I decided to stitch the doodles - with my sewing machine!

It was already 11pm when the "brilliant idea" came and by the time I was done sewing the hens, it was midnight. I am not so good at free motion sewing that I was able to do it without any guidelines. I transferred the doodles to the fabric first. 

Hubs and my girl said they couldn't tell that I had sewn the stitches. Why did I choose to use free motion? To give it a child-like look. The words were too small and I decided to hand stitch them. That took another half an hour. If you don't get the humour, it's alright. I do have an odd sense of humour. I guess this is another piece of art for my wall.

p.s. has anyone done free motion doodling? are you stitches nice and regular or not at all like mine?


1. Anna said...

Very impressive, both the stitching and the drawing.

2. Christel said...

Hi Jane, been a pretty long time since I came to your blog. I don't do free motion doodling, but I do try to embroider stuff sometimes. :P

3. Projects By Jane said...

Hi Christel, I still prefer hand embroidery as with your hands, you can do almost anything but with the machine, there are limitations.

4. Christel said...

Well, I thought we would learn embroidery and basic sewing in home econs. But apparently my sec sch chose to focus on food :(

5. Jane said...

wow jane! impressive! i like the child-like look. :)

6. Sandra :) said...

WOW that's incredible! I can't even draw that well with a pencil - let alone with a sewing machine! I failed at stick figures, and it just went downhill from there :( :D

7. Bethany said...

I can't believe that's stitched! Excellent job! My free motion work is very....bad. That's pretty much the only word for it. And the more I practice the worse I get so it's one of those rare things I might just give up on.

8. Chris H said...

I have tried free motion sewing. I had a massive fail, so have not tried it again.
I get the humor.

9. Linda said...

Adorable, Jane!

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