Friday, June 13, 2014

June 2014 Giveaway - it's fabric this time!

Giveaway closed. Winners announced here.

A few days ago, an Etsy customer sent me a very sweet message. She wanted me to know I had done a good job on the sexy zippy wristlet pattern which she had bought and had made a ton of wristlets for her friends. Homesteadcat from Hawaii kindly sent me pics of a few wristlets. Check them out below. She has a shop on Etsy here.

Homesteadcat also hoped I sell millions of my sexy zippy wristlet pattern. Well, that's never going to happen. Realistically, in this competitive bag pattern market, if I could sell 100 copies, I would consider myself very lucky.

Anyway, I got thinking and that brings us to my June Giveaway... The past few giveaways - I have been the one making the pouches. This time I decided I will give you guys the fabric and pattern to make your own wristlet.

So here's the deal: The winner of my giveaway gets my sexy zippy wristlet pdf pattern plus fabric.

Here's the fabric:

Notice I'm giving you guys the exact same Kokka fabric I used in the pattern? Unfortunately I only have 1 meter's worth of the Kokka print. So I'm cutting it into half.  Don't worry. Half a meter is more than enough to make one sexy zippy wristlet.  Oh, you're probably wondering why I'm cutting it into half...

Guitars + Kokka

Bicycles + Kokka

That's right. I'm picking TWO WINNERS. (to atone for skipping May's giveaway) The other print I'm giving away is 1 meter's worth of the guitar print OR 1 meter's worth of the bicycles print.

So you clear what the prize is?
Guitars print (1m) + Kokka print (0.5m) + sexy zippy wristlet pdf pattern
Bicycles print (1m) + Kokka print (0.5m) + sexy zippy wristlet pdf pattern

Btw, you get the white lace too!

How to enter?

♥ Leave a comment on this blog post. Tell me which print you prefer. Guitars or Bicycles. It's that simple. The first winner picked will get her choice and the second winner picked gets the other print. And don't worry if you already own my sexy zippy wristlet. I can easily give you another of my bag pattern. No worries.

♥ One entry per person, duplicates will be deleted.

♥ Please leave your email address if your profile is not tied to your contact info. If you use Anonymous to leave a comment, you must include your email address.

♥ Open to anyone, anywhere who loves fabric. And yes, even if you've won before, you are welcome to enter.

♥ Ends 30th June 2014, Singapore time.

Two winners will be picked by and the winners must respond to my email notification of the win within 48hours or I will pick another winner.

In case you don't know, I'm also at

Here are all my bag patterns. Click on pic to check them out.


1. Anna said...

Hi Jane, I like the bicycle print. I am pleased that the seventies print is in both prizes as I really like that print best of all. Thank you very much for this giveaway.

2. Michele T said...

This is so sweet of you!!! I love both prints equally so this is a tough decision... I've never seen the material with the bikes and that one would be my first choice! Thank you!!

3. Monster Mum said...

I like the guitar print. Thanks for the giveaway,

4. Marjorie's Busy Corner said...

Sweet fabric...thank you. I choose the guitar print.

5. pennydog said...

Bikes please, thank you Jane :)

6. Maria said...

Oh what a generous giveaway. This is a hard one becasue I love both fabrics but if I have to pick then it would be the bikes. Thanks for the chance to win.

7. Laurie-Jane said...

I'm liking the bike pattern. What a lovely giveaway.

8. Norma's Bag Boutique said...

They are all great funky fabric prints. You are very generous. If I win I'll prefer the guitar print. Thanks for the chance to win.

9. Betsy said...

I love your bag patterns especially the one with the upside donkey. I prefer bikes since I learned to finally ride one at the age of 40!

10. JoyceLM said...

Great giveaway. I prefer the bicycle print. Thanks.

11. Bethany said...

Hmmmmm....I think I want...the bicycles......

12. Rebecca said...

Guitars rock!
My email is

13. Sue said...

The sexy Zippy Wristlet looks fun to make especially with the retro Kokka print. Thanks for the giveaway (times two). I choose the guitar print.

14. Anonymous said...

Ooh Jane lovely giveaway - if i were to choose I would definitely go for the bicycles but I do already own (and use) your wristlet pattern! Would recommend it to anyone as it is easy to follow and well writtten

15. Sandra :) said...

WOW very generous, Jane - thank you for the chance :) The 70's print reminds me of The Partridge Family and my crush on David Cassidy *swoon* :) I'm partial to the bike print!

16. Anonymous said...

Ooo pretty bike print please! Thanks for the chance!

17. Jane McLellan said...

Ooh, guitars please, I'd love to make one of your wristlet bags.

18. Cindy said...

I love the bicycles, even though I can't ride any more. I would love this pattern, thanks so much for your generosity.

19. Lesley said...

I love the bicycle print.It looks like a fun pattern

20. knit to unwind said...

Thanks for the give away. I love the guitar print. Happy sewing

21. Gill said...

Thanks for a fabulous giveaway Jane!
I like the bikes best!

22. Anonymous said...


23. barbara woods said...

i love the bicycles, thanks so much
i would love to win

24. Unknown said...

I love them both! Hubby plays guitar so I guess I should pick guitars. Love your patterns Jane :) x

25. Beth said...

Both prints are fun, but if I have to choose I would choose the guitar. Fun!

26. Marcie's Quilting Therapy said...

Hi Jane! I already have the pattern but would love to pass that part on..I really like the guitars.
I've made many of your pouches - but then a girl can't possibly have enough - right?? Thanks for the chance at the giveaway.

27. Anonymous said...

Am putting my name in the hat. That was nice what you wrote. I hope more people will buy this pattern because it is very well thought out and easy to follow. I remember my friend saying that if you find a good pattern, stick with it. It is so true-- I can count my good patterns on my right hand. It's one that you WANT to sew more than once. Right now, I am sewing the Sexy Zippy Wristlet using a discarded Japanese obi sash - upcycled goods! Keep on making your patterns, Jane!

28. Amy's Crafty Shenanigans said...

Hello - do you think I could be lucky again? xx I love the happy bicycles but the guitars would make a great 'night out' bag. Daytime vs nighttime - tough one!!! Hope you have a fab day.

29. Carol- Beads and Birds said...

great project and cute prints. I like guitars best!

Thanks for a generous giveaway.

30. Aaron said...

Love this giveaway! I really like the guitars print.

31. Enjoy the simple things said...

I am from Auckland and I read your blog quiet often. I have lived in Singapore for 10 years and it is nice to read about Singapore happenings through your blog. I love both designs as my daughter plays guitar and I lone bicycling. Thanks for your giveaway.

32. Anonymous said...

Hey Jane,

came across your blog recently and I've been loving it. I'm such an artsy person in heart but I've never gotten the time or I'm too lazy to go out to pick up sewing or knitting. (only know some basics to sewing, and wanted to take up knitting for the longest time) but I've been so inspired by your blog that I went down to dhoby's spotlight to pick up some fabric, but (for a student like me to trail an error, the price can actually add up) so it's kinda pricey for me. Have been planning to recreate some of your projects for my parents for their birthday and also my boyf for our anniversary, so I reaally hope I'd win some fabric for these projects.

Thanks so much dear. (ps i like the guitar print)

much love, v.

33. Kate said...

I think I had a bridesmaid's dress made from the Kokka fabric, in the early 70's (guess that shows how old I am).

34. Christel said...

Hi Jane, I think I prefer the bicycle prints, cause of the colour :P The wristlets your Etsy customer made are nice too.

35. Unknown said...

Thanks for the lovely give away! I like your stories, hilarious!
Oh, and I like the guitars.

36. Anonymous said...

Hi Jane! I love the bags you made, they're all beautiful.
I would love to have the guitar+ kokka prints (as I'm a frustrated singer, haha!)
Can't wait for the giveaway result.
Thanks a bunch! :)

37. Anonymous said...

I love the bicycle print!

38. shirley said...

Hi Jane, I already have the pattern but it would be great to make it up from one of your fabrics, I think I prefer the guitars, Hard decision though!!!! thanks for the giveaway,

39. Anonymous said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I love the bicycle print.

40. Linda said...

What a nice giveaway! Your little wristlet purse is adorable. I do hope you sell a lot!

41. Unknown said...

Jane, thank you for your giveaway. I really love the bicycle print

42. Sarah_L_N said...

I like the bikes best :) what a nice idea to give away fabric to match a pattern!

43. Kat said...

Guitars for me!

katch05 at gmail dot com

44. Unknown said...

Meow! :) I love the bicycle one!

45. Anonymous said...

Hello there!

I love the bicycles fabric. Thank you for having the give aways ;p Will be very happy if picked!

46. Anonymous said...

Hi! Both bundles are beautiful and fantastic! I would have to pick bicycles! Thanks for the giveaway.

sunberryann at gmail dot com

47. Anonymous said...

Hi! Would love the bike. Thank you for the giveaway..

48. Anonymous said...

Hi! Would love the bike. Thank you for the giveaway.

49. corinna said...

hi Jane and bear,lyes I really really want omwin this time...needy baby greedy baby and I'd prefer the guitars fabric but I take anything when I win .
So please bear cross your paws for me

50. Anonymous said...

Hi Jane! That's really sweet offer fabric and patttern!I like the Guitars print!! Thank you for the giveaway!

51. Stacey said...

I like the Guitar Print! Thank you!

52. Anonymous said...

I like the guitar fabric! Thanks for the giveaway! :))

53. Anonymous said...

I love the guitar and your "quirkyness"!!! Heehee

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