Thursday, November 6, 2014

The urgent run 2014

Hubs dragged me into another 5km fun run. It's happening this Sunday morning at the East Coast Park.

The last time I ran at the East Coast Park, I was still a student and I was a member of the school's Jogging Club (it's a real club). The Jogging Club was made up by my form teacher who was ordered by the principal to helm a sports club of some sort. She decided the school needed a Jogging Club. (because it required so little effort?) Unfortunately, no one joined the club. I mean zero. So she used her power as our form teacher to force us to join her Jogging Club. Get extra homework or join her club. Her Jogging Club was our entire class. Every Saturday morning, we had to run at the park. Well, most of the students walked. I mostly ran just so I could go home. FYI, my form teacher never ran. She carried an umbrella, wore sunglasses and heavy make-up. At the end of the school year, there was a competitive 5km run at East Coast Park. Actually, my school called it The Marathon. But I'm too embarrassed to say it out loud. My teacher chose a bunch of us to take part and my bff and I were the unfortunate chosen ones. My bff had not much stamina but we were determined to finish the run. I practically dragged her by the hand. Close to the finishing line, I told her to struggle on her own. I was too tired and just wanted it all to end. I heard my classmates cheering me on and some of them kept yelling something to me. I tried to hear what they were saying but it was too noisy. Suddenly a girl came running past me. Immediately I tried to outrun her but it was too late. I crossed the finishing line just one second after her. Then my classmates came to tell me I had missed finishing 10th. Prizes were given to the first 10 runners. So I was very sore about it.

The name of the run? The urgent run. It's organized by Singapore's World Toilet Organization. Ah.......

I wonder if the organizer will be playing this song at the run? Urgent by Foreigner.
Urgent... so urgent...<urgent> <urgent> <urgent>

And the purpose of this run?

"The Urgent Run is World Toilet Organization’s global advocacy campaign for UN World Toilet Day 2014. It is a global mobilization event that involves citizens around the world joining or organising a run to draw attention to the urgent calls for action to end the sanitation crisis"
copied from

Hubs' reason for joining this run?

Yep. To get this t-shirt. Don't be concerned. This is perfectly normal behaviour for hubs. Go here if you'd like to hear his side of the story.

These were in the race pack.
2 bottles of Newater - it is treated sewage water. (see the clever connection to toilet - pee and shit?)
1 Toilet Seat Sanitizer - so obvious
Tissue - for wiping you know what
Thumbdrive - someone on the committee was not on the same wavelength

At first I was concerned that the organizers were giving out only Newater after the run. But hubs said free Milo would be provided. Such a relief because the only way I will drink Newater is to be tricked into it.

Based on my Hello Kitty run's experience, I shall pack the following for the race:
- fanny pack
- ziplock for phone
- ziplock for cash
- foldable raincoat
- fashionable hanky to tie around my wrist

It's been raining every single day. I hope the run won't be cancelled due to rain. Because it will rain. The weather forecast for Sunday is "morning thundery showers". The run starts at 8am. The East Coast Park is really far from my home. I would be so angry to go all the way for nothing.


1. Sandra :) said...

First of all ... LOL! Secondly, LOLOL!! Thirdly - and most importantly - LOLOLOLOL!!!! OMG I don't even know where to start with this post, but the thumb drive and the bottle of Newater and the t-shirt and the "urgent" run ... yeah they make a good start! I wouldn't be concerned about your hubby choosing a run based on a t-shirt - he's pretty much every husband in that aspect, LOL!

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