Monday, May 13, 2024


Hey everyone,

How's your year going? I kept wanting to write a blog post and suddenly it's May. Hey, it's the Year of the Dragon. It's my Chinese zodiac year, not that it means anything except that I'm getting very old. <fake cry>

Would you believe I've travelled twice this year? What happened to the me who doesn't travel? In January I went to Hong Kong with my daughter. We didn't enjoy ourselves so I won't even talk about it. (One reason I was miserable was I couldn't poop.) 

In March, daughter, hubs and I went back to Tokyo. Too soon? Maybe. (I could poop, btw) Hubs lost his wallet in Singapore hours before our early morning flight because someone (me) had to go to the doctor after midnight and he had accompanied me and left it in a taxi. Hubs lost half his mind from anxiety but fortunately managed to get the wallet back after calling the driver. Recently, just this week, he lost his wallet again at a coffee shop and after losing half his mind the whole night, managed to get it back the next day. Hubs is now officially banned from carrying a wallet. 

Tokyo was freaking cold and windy. What I learnt about Tokyo wind is it BITES. We shopped our heads off and spent a ton of money. Overall, it was a nice visit but I really HATED the wind. 

Apart from jet-setting around, I've been occupied with making youtube videos. Last year I started to learn to make Youtube videos. I tried a few video editors. The first one I used comes with your windows - is easy to use but so unreliable. I think I made one video with the editor. Next I tried VSDC and it's so hard to use. I made one video but after a couple of weeks, I completely forgot everything I had learnt. So I gave up. Finally my daughter introduced CapCut to me. It's not too hard to use so in the end I settled on CapCut. I use the free version. 

Anyway, believe it or not, making videos is hard. I barely know what I'm doing half the time and I feel clumsy. One thing about uploaded youtube videos is, you're screwed if you've made errors. You either delete it, redo or live with it. There are some stuff you can fix but it's limited. For better or worse, I've published a few. I watched a Youtube video about making Youtube videos and this guy said, the first 50 videos you make will teach you how to make videos. I guess I have a long way to go! Anyway, here's my channel: I made a few playlists so it's easier to browse. Do check it out.

I've also just made a vlog. I don't really know how many vlogs I'll do but this is my first. I wasn't sure what I should put in my first vlog so I ended up showing off my hobbies! I mean, without my hobbies, I'm kinda nothing. I hope you'll watch it. (To watch video full screen, click play on the video and then on the square to the right of the word Youtube.)

What else? Well, life's been pretty hard lately, itch wise. Recently, I realised that I've had hives for one year already. I was at the skin clinic for a follow-up and my doctor conveniently said it'll take 2 years for my hives to go away. She's very unsympathetic because most of her patients' conditions are way worse than mine. What's a little hive? But I begged her for better medication and she gave me something extra to take when my hives get super bad. The something extra is really powerful. It put me to sleep for 14 hours the first time I took it. Now, not so bad, just 12 hours. And I feel sleepy all day. I only take the extra pill when I feel like throwing myself into the river.   

And for those who come to my blog to see what I've made this year, here are 2 textile art I made using my fabric scraps. Yes, it's birds again, combined with free-motion quilting.

And lastly, a quilt I made for my Angela Walter's free-motion quilting challenges.

Lastly, I opened a new shop to sell my digital downloads:

This platform supports a Pay What You Want model which I really like. I hope to add more digital downloads to this category soon. 

And for supporters:


1. Anonymous said...

I hope you get better Jane. I've had a few months of hives myself, not nearly as long as yours. The quilts are nice. I'll check out your youtube. Keep it up.


2. Jane McLellan said...

Good to see you posting again. Good luck with the videos. Interesting about the learning curve, no wonder there are so many bad videos out there.

3. Anonymous said...

Your quilts are beautiful. A reflection of you.

4. Sagar said...

Hey.... Traveling and video editing – you’re staying busy and that’s impressive! Nice to see you again after a year...

5. Chris H said...

I love the birds! I am going to try and find you on YouTube now.

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