About Jane

Hellooooo! I'm a bit of a joker but you know that already, right?
I am Jane, the brains and beauty behind Projects By Jane.

This is me when facial hair was all the rage.

Projects By Jane started out as a blogging journal of my journey through bag-making.
I wanted to record every success, every failure, every regret.
And so I did. And that's how......
Every bag has a story!

I got better and better at making bags. So one day, I started teaching others to make bags.
In 2011 I published my first bag pattern for sale. Now I have 23 bag patterns in my shops. HERE.

By day, I make bags. By night, I also make bags.
Occasionally these bags run out of closet space and I go to craft markets to sell them. 
Update: I no longer go to craft markets to sell my bags.

Join me on my journey while I conquer the world,
one bag at a time.

By the way, I've started making silent videos on youtube.


How to support me?
You can purchase my digital downloads:

If you wish to link to my tutorials, you may use my image of the finished product. (not the unfinished stages)

Replies to your comments
If you comment on my blog and do not get any replies, it could mean...
a) you are a no-reply blogger which means I can't reply you via my gmail so check for my response in the same blog post/comments
b) i got nothing to say

Replies to your emails
If you have emailed me or facebooked message me and do not get any replies, it could mean...
a) it went into spam
b) your email sounds like a solicitation and I am ignoring you

If you are a customer and did not hear back from me, please email me again or convo via Etsy, whatever it takes. I always reply all customers as soon as I get the mail. Please know I live in Singapore and our timezone is different. I'm also prone to take naps during the day. So don't email me, wait a few minutes and throw a huge temper tantrum when you don't hear back immediately, ok?

Bag patterns
1. You may use my patterns to teach. You and every student need to purchase my bag pattern.

2. You have bought my pattern. Can you send the pattern to another person who wishes to "borrow" it? No. Regardless of your relationship with the "borrower",  it's a No. That borrower needs to purchase my bag pattern. Or you could purchase another copy for the person and write a note that you are purchasing for so-and-so if he/she is unable to do so.
Please understand that I invest a lot of time and money in making my patterns and will not be motivated to make more new patterns if people are making my patterns available for free. It's called stealing.

3. You may sell the finished products you made using my patterns. I set no limit on the number you may make or sell as long as it is handmade by you. 
Related Posts with Thumbnails

My Bag Pattern Shop


My Applique Patterns


My Embroidery Patterns
