Friday, January 2, 2015

Farewell 2014

Hello 2015,

Guys, what were your thoughts on the last days of 2014?

Are you sad to leave 2014? I'm very happy to leave 2014 behind. It's not that 2014 was not a good year for me. It was so-so. Just that I wanted to fast forward to early 2016. See, 2015 will be a difficult year. Both my kids are sitting for GCE 'O' and GCE 'A' levels end of this year. I expect lots of stress, tension, shouting and crying. (all me) So I kinda want to avoid all that and zip forward. Unfortunately, real life can't be fast forward. So 2015 has to be lived, month by month, week by week, day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute, second by second and moment by moment.

The year ended with a cold spell in Singapore. You might know it's hardly ever really cold here except in an air-conditioned room. How cold was it? It was so cold my teeth chattered when I washed my face. I took the liberty of not showering for 2 days! I promise to shower today.

It's been raining since September. I kept wondering, will it ever stop raining? Well, today the sun shone a little in the morning but the sky grew cloudy again. And it barely rained. Just a little drizzle. I think that's a good sign.

I didn't accomplish much creatively in 2014.

Bags and pouches
I didn't make many bags.
 What? I made 5 brooches?

I made one embroidered wall hanging. What's the right term for something like this?

Bag Pattern
I released one bag pattern.

Free Tutorials
I wrote a few backbreaking free tutes. HERE. When I write a tute, I don't always know the impact on anyone. I hope enough people will find them useful. So I appreciate those who have written in to let me know it did.

2014 was the year of the dolls.
 The Pullips.

The Dals.

The Hujoo.

I've got a few (ahem) more dolls I've yet to show you guys.

I learned to use a DSLR. I still have much to learn. I don't have the knack for photography but it's a skill I need for my blog and my patterns.

I got better at Illustrator and Indesign. I just want to know enough to get my stuff done.

Medical Fees
We spent a bomb on doctors. Me, my girl and my son. I don't think hubs saw any doctors in 2014.

I ran very little and finally got my act together and attended a twice weekly exercise class. It's not enough. Hubs and I finally got to run together twice in organized runs.

I gained more weight. wtf!

I wasn't a regular blogger. I came and went as I pleased. My blog traffic fell. 2012 was the year I peaked. Kinda sad. But there's still enough traffic to get me motivated.

Social Media
In real life, I'm not a social person. I stay home most of the time and hardly speak to any human outside my family. On social media, I have the same real life awkwardness. So you won't see me engaging much. Still, social media goes hand in hand with a blog, imho. So once in a while, I emerge from my shell to post something.

Having said that, I don't have much hope for my Facebook page. I don't pay FB money to boost my posts so hardly anyone get to see my posts. I do cross post on my google+ so if you want to google friend me, it's here.

I'm fairly active on Instagram. I use it as a personal account and not so much biz. So if you want to know what I ate today, I am projectsbyjane.

I'm trying to use Twitter more. So if you want to find me, it's projectsbyjane. Is it too late to learn to use Twitter?

I'm also on Ello but I don't know how to use Ello. Might give it up soon.

So that was my year in 2014. And how was 2014 for you?


1. Maria said...

I'm like you, always at home and never speak to anyone. I'm stuck in my sewing room most of the day everyday and that's how I like it. I achieved a lot of sewing in 2014 and hope to do even better in 2015.

2. Sandra :) said...

2014 wasn't a remarkable year for me, really - I sewed a lot (but not much that was exciting or special), I shopped for fabric a lot, I blogged a bit, I gained weight (I can't even say WTF about it because I earned the weight with all the junk I ate!), I started taking Aquafit classes and those are FANTASTIC. I don't do social networking programs (except Pinterest) - I don't need more reasons to be online :D I've even calmed down on Pinterest, finally :D If I can keep up with gift sewing, not increase my stash, and get fitter in 2015 - I'll be a happy camper :)

3. Christel said...

Hi Jane, Happy New Year to you and your family! :)
I'm not really looking forward to 2015 either, as I'll be getting back my 'A's results... :(

4. Jane McLellan said...

Happy New Year. I hope 2015 will zip by more easily than you expect!

5. Projects By Jane said...

@Christel all the best for your As. Hope you get into the school and course you're aiming for.

6. Projects By Jane said...

@Jane McLellan
I hope so too! Have a great year.

7. Jane said...

I hope this year won't be as stressful as anticipated! Happy 2015!

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