Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Payhip hip hurray

Hi guys,

Previously (here), I wrote about how I sell digital downloads on my blog. Honestly, I'm very happy with ejunkie. The price and service is great. But due to circumstances beyond my control, I've had to switch my blog ecommerce platform. I am now using Payhip.

For those of you interested in using Payhip to sell, I'll share a little of my experience. Firstly, Payhip is a "new kid on the block" in the digital publishing market. It launched in September 2012 and is based in UK. It targets indie authors enabling them to sell directly to their fans via social media or what evers. It's not like Etsy marketplace so you have to find your own traffic. If you like selling directly from your blog, facebook, twitter, instagram, this would suit you.

Signing up and uploading your stuff is very easy. The user interface is quite lovely. (compared to ejunkie, hahahaha) Payment accepted are Paypal and major credit cards. You set your own price and for every sale, Payhip gets paid 5%. You need to pay the transaction fees for Paypal payment processing as well.

You get paid immediately. (woo hoo!)
If your customer resides in a European Union country, Payhip takes care of VAT for you.
Customer can download immediately without having to wait for the email link. (The email will get sent as well)
Supports PDF stamping. 
Supports affiliates.
Supports coupon on a per item basis. 
Gets a landing page for your products. See mine here. (it takes a while to load)

Customer can only buy one item at a time. Payhip does not provide a shopping cart. It's just a "Buy Now" button.
Supports Kindle which is a con for me because I don't want this option but I can't remove it.
Does not support coupon applied to whole shop.

Overall, Payhip is a minimalist ecommerce platform. There isn't much customisation one can do. If your needs are simple and your items are not priced high, (5% commission - do your math) Payhip might suit you.

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Some good news for my customers who reside in a European Union country. VAT is applicable for digital downloads. :( The VAT rate is set by the individual EU country. As you know, VAT is a consumer tax which means the consumer pays for it. The good news is I am "absorbing" <cough, cough, choke> the VAT for you if you buy from my blog projectsbyjane.com. This means that I pay for the VAT out of my own pocket. (you're welcome, EU customers) You will pay the same price as all non-EU customers. (note that this arrangement of me absorbing VAT is subject to change e.g. i feel fed-up/pissed off, stop feeling generous in future)

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More good news those of you who haven't bought my patterns yet. I have created 10 coupons for each of my bag pattern. (if I have 100 patterns, i would have to create 100 coupons!) Each coupon is good for 25% discount and it is valid till 18th January 2015. There is no limit to the number of times you use the coupon. And yes, yes, EU customers can use the coupons as well.

To buy my pattern, either click on the image below or go to projectsbyjane.com.
Do read my FAQ before you buy.


coupon: PERFECT25

coupon: BOXY25

coupon: EASYCLUTCH25

coupon: EASYSLING25

coupon: IPHONE25

coupon: BOWTIE25

coupon: MESSENGER25

coupon: SEXY25

coupon: TREASURE25

coupon: GETUP25

To buy my pattern, either click on the image or go to projectsbyjane.com


1. Linda said...

Thanks for letting us know about this, Jane! I went to your link and it does look really nice!

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