Thursday, June 22, 2017

New Bag Pattern - Forever 19 Shoulder Bag Pattern
Dear friends,

In your mind, how old do you see yourself? When I was in primary school, I saw myself much older because being the second youngest in a family of 9, I was often not allowed to do this and that because I was not old enough. So I wanted to be older and mentally conjured an older self. Then I got older and I realised that in my mind I stopped growing at the age of 19. After I got married, I still felt I was 19. Then came two kids and still age 19. My youngest child turns 18 this year! Honestly, I don't know when I will start to see myself as an older person.

Why 19? I'm just guessing that 19 was my coming of age? That was the year I finished school and went out to work. 19 must have been a pretty traumatic year since I stopped growing older in my mind!

Last month when I was working on my bag pattern, I decided to call it Forever 19 Shoulder Bag. It's not a difficult bag to sew, very good for beginners. I've made many variations of this bag to sell at craft markets in my previous life. (Remember MAAD and VivoCity?) This curvy version was the most popular. The bag comes with two interior pockets - one slip pocket and one zip pocket.

I used a Lecien fabric print of teapots and cups. Anyone else crazy about teapots and cups fabric print?

The bag pattern is available for sale at my Etsy shop. If you prefer to buy it off my blog, you can click on the "Buy Now" button below (ecommerce by Payhip). Read my faq if it's your first time buying from my blog.

I hope you enjoy the photos. My girl modelled for me.

Lastly, big thanks to Lynnelle for her help with testing. Check out her version below.
Psst. Anyone noticed Lynnelle's shelves with the thingy to hold the spool of thread? I throw mine in containers.


1. Unknown said...

Thanks Jane for letting me test for you! I love this bag. BTW that spool rack is on the back of my door to the attic. The woodwork in this house is gorgeous. Enjoyed this bag! Lynnelle

2. Bethany said...

Haha! I always tell people I'm twelve. That year ended traumatically for me because I turned thirteen, and I didn't want to grow up. Not even a little bit.

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