It's December and the year is quickly coming to an end. I looked through my UFOs (UnFinished Objects) and I'm embarrassed to see there are so many - too many to complete by 31st December. Not that it'll change anything if I carry forward to 2020 my UFOs or as I like to call them, my WIP (Work In Progress). I mean, the world will still carry on. Governments will run, spammers will continue to spam, con artists will continue to con, life will go on.
Ah, but it'll make me feel a lot better.
This bead pendant - I started it in 2013. Yup. When it got uglier and uglier as I progressed, I couldn't bring myself to complete it. And so it sat in a drawer year after year. A few days ago, I looked for all the beads I needed and finally finished it. It only took me 2 hours.
You see the big red beads? They are 4mm glass bicones. I bought 40 pcs for this project and I'm very happy I used every single piece. The bicones are stringed together and straddle the pendant using nothing but tension. So they could very well fall off one day. The foundation of the pendant is circular peyote. The pink beads are size 8 which are super tiny beads. In a year or two I may need a magnifying glass to bead. My eyesight is shat.
And this is how I'll wear the pendant. My taste in bead colour is questionable. When I buy the beads, I can't visualize how they'll look completed. And once it's completed I wonder why I made the choice.
In 2013, I also started on a spiral rope necklace but I gave up because I lost interest. The necklace was meant for my
beaded cabochon which I managed to complete in 2015.
Since I didn't complete the necklace, I used a Vintaj Brass necklace instead.
The brass necklace gives the beaded cabochon a more contemporary look.
It only took me one whole day to finish the beadweaving. Check out
this video if you want to learn the technique. The beads are size 11 (very small) and in case you're wondering how on earth I get the beads into my needle, this is what I do. I pour the 2 different beads in 2 little bowls. When I need the bead, I stab my needle at the pile and once I get some beads on the needle, I flick the ones I don't want off.
The most difficult part of the necklace is the closure. I used Vintaj Brass lobster clasp and a ring. You need to secure the closure by going round and round a few times but because the beads are so small, it gets very hard to go through. On top of that, I used Nymo thread which loves to split.
Usually I use Thread Heaven to condition my thread but guess what? I've misplaced it. I put it somewhere safe and now I can't remember where. As a substitute, I used beeswax but I hate the smell as it smells like teeth to me. I wonder if Thread Heaven is still available.

I'm really happy I finished the rope necklace. I used to think the small beads won't work for a spiral rope necklace but looking at the necklace now, I think it looks alright. Also, the cost of the supplies for this project is ridiculously high. The beads alone cost an arm and a leg. There are lots of leftover stuff and one day I'll do something with them. Weirdly, I feel a little sad because as I was working the beads, I realised the person I am now is so different from the person I was when I started the project in 2013. That was truly the worst year of my entire life. The year I felt my world collapse. I think someone said All things must pass. Indeed. So much has changed since 2013. I grew a bit harder but overall, mostly good stuff. Well, I'm off to dig through my other UFOs.