Thursday, November 5, 2015

How to wrap a bead with thread

Remember many months ago I made this cherries brooch? The "cherries" were wooden beads wrapped in thread. I wanted to show you guys how to wrap a bead with thread and today I finally remembered.

First you need to find a suitable bead. It doesn't have to be made of wood but the hole mustn't be too small. I have used perle cotton and stranded embroidery thread. I find that stranded embroidery thread covers better. How much thread to use? I usually use 3 arm's length. Always use more thread than you need.

Use green thread for a green berry. Brown thread - and you get a nut. Blue thread - that's a blueberry! Gold thread and you get a gold nut.

Put the tail of your thread into the bead. Leave a tail of around 5". Pass your threaded needle through the bottom of the hole while holding on to the 5" tail. Keep doing this until you have covered as much of the bead as possible.

I usually find it impossible to cover 100% of the bead but I'm quite happy with this one.

While working thread is on top, thread it through a bead. I wanted to use a red bead but I have run out. The black bead looks obscene, doesn't it? Take the needle to the other side.

Sew both threads to the back of your fabric. Tie both threads together twice. Your cherry is done.

If you prefer to have a little stem on your cherry, when both threads are on the same side, take the needle and go over the tail through the loop. (see image above)

Your looped stitch will look like this. Keep doing until your have reached the desired length.

Sew both threads to the back of your fabric. Tie both threads together twice. Your stemmed cherry is done.

If you don't do embroidery, you could make a zipper pull using this cherry. 

Linked partay: Sew Many Ways


1. Sandra :) said...

WOW I didn't know that covering beads was a "thing" - I like that!

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