Friday, November 20, 2015

Weigh In Friday - Crispy and fried

I went off oats and was feeling quite weird because I drink a lot of oats products everyday. As a result, I ended up bingeing on fried chicken. I had KFC a few times and once we ate Korean fried chicken. The thing is, I don't even like KFC.

We ate Chir Chir chicken which is my favourite Korean fried chicken. The restaurant doesn't sell chicken in small portions so you need at least 2 to 3 persons to share a plate.

I expect to be punished for my greed and this morning I weighed myself and yep, there's a small gain. I would really hate to gain back all the weight I have lost. I really like how I can wear my older clothes. The only "disadvantage" is the shorts and pants I wore the past two years are loose.

20th Nov 2015 -56.7kg
13th Nov 2015 - 56.4kg
6th Nov 2015 - 56kg
21st July 2015 - 63kg

I drank soy milk this week even though I don't like soy milk. Soy gives me a bit of bloating but I have this weird thinking that since I'm Chinese and grew up taking soy sauce every day, I have to have some immunity to soy bloating. Nope, no immunity. I like Hershey's chocolate soy milk best. The mocha, I'm not so into.

Have you guys tried yam soy ice-cream? This is from Mr Bean. I love purple food (except purple salad). I get so much joy eating it.

My big fail this week is this new pancake mix. I got so bloated and sick after eating the pancakes. They were delicious though.

I never got back to running. There was one day me and my girl were supposed to go running in the morning. I tried to wake her and she growled at me. So I went back to sleep. That was the only feeble attempt at exercising.
In case you missed my previous post, I released a new bag pattern. You can still get it at a discounted price at my Etsy shop, Craftsy, or Payhip until Monday, Nov 23rd.

See ya.


1. Christel said...

Hi Jane! Been a while since I read your blog. Hope your girl does well for her O's! :) Congrats on your new bag pattern too! :))

Talking about soya ice-cream, the yam flavoured one sure looks good (haha I like purple stuff). Does it taste better than the original one?

2. Projects By Jane said...

Hi Christel,

Thanks. I hope my girl does well too.

The yam soy ice-cream tastes nothing like soy, the original. I actually don't like the taste of original soy. I think the yam has the best flavour. I've tried green tea(yuk), chocolate(so-so), blueberry(not bad), sesame(no feelings). There's also durian which I totally would never eat.


3. Christel said...

Oooo interesting. I've only tried the original one so far, which has that "playdoh" smell/taste after a while..

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