I can't believe I'm on my third zippered pouch this week. Each time I try out a tutorial I like to follow the author's way of working. This way, I find that I discover little details that I had not come across before.
When I stumbled upon "You're only bored when.." wristlet tutorial some time ago, I had some hesitation as this tutorial uses a whole cloth for the outer fabric and I had been used to 2 separate pieces. Still, I decided to give it a go as I had been curious. What changes when you use 1 whole piece of fabric instead of 2? Yes, these are serious stuff I occupy my mind with.
The first part of the tutorial is pretty detailed. I felt I breezed through. Until I came to the part that said "Repeat these steps for the other side of the zipper." When I first ventured into making bags last year, I would immediately abandon my project when I come across such an instruction. Seasoned bag makers usually assume that "repeat these steps" is a simple instruction but to a newbie, it meant some hair tearing. I managed to decipher the "repeat these steps" and sailed through the rest of the assembly.
I've discovered that using one piece of outer fabric makes it hard to topstitch the zipper. Also, the author does not topstitch the lining. I couldn't figure out why as I've always topstitched the lining together with the zipper and outer fabric. Another unique thing about this tutorial is I never sewed on the zipper on the side seams. Yet like magic, the pouch turned out perfectly with no gaps at the zipper ends.
A really different and interesting way of doing zippers. I'm glad I tried it out.
Once again, I cut up 2 of my girl's old dresses - for outer and lining
I added a little pocket