Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Have you ever needed to scratch so bad?

Hi from cloudy Singapore,

Although I've recovered from my 11.11.11 which entailed sleeping a couple of days away, there's something about grey skies that gets me down. So I should avoid looking out of the window! Today there was some sun and I managed to take enough photos to complete my latest ePattern. I have sent it for testing so we'll see if I can release it this month? This will be my last ePattern for this year because I don't want to play hide-and-seek with the sun. It's just too frustrating. Besides my stock is quite low and I need to stock up. I'm going to have to sew like mad for the next few weeks.

This is my girl's last year in primary school. She wanted to give her teacher one of my pouches. She fancied the linen ones. I was too stingy so I asked her to design one and I would sew it for her. Seriously though, I thought it would be more meaningful if the pouch had her input.

I gave her my stamping ink and stamps and she had a ball.

She only stopped stamping when I said, "less is more."

I thought the teacher might like some polka dots!

Bear approves.

I don't know how much my girl told her teacher about the pouch. My guess is she probably did not point out how she designed the front. I don't know what I did wrong but both my kids are rather reticent. Maybe it's in the genes? I know I was very reticent as a kid. I barely said a word throughout my primary school. But I grew out of it later on. Sometimes though, especially in the presence of uncomfortable company, I do go back to my ole reticent self.

This is the last week of school for my girl this year. That's right. Come Saturday, I no longer need to wake up at 6am. Woo hoo! My son has been on school holidays for a couple of weeks. Secondary schools end the term earlier. He had really just been sitting on his butt with his iPod. Starting this week, for 2 weeks, he goes back to school for Art Boot Camp. Okay, it's just painting. He told me he's the only guy. hahahaha. I'm glad he has school as it gives him some exercise.

Me hubs had his teardrop mole removed. It was fast and he said, painless. I'll spare you guys this time and not show you the exorcised mole.

Unfortunately me poor hubs has bigger issues. He has developed an allergic reaction to an unknown substance or food? Now he is covered with hives.  It is fortunate his mole doctor is also a skin specialist. She had a look and now we have to let the medication take its course and hopefully the welts will disappear soon. Itch is a terrible thing to bear.


1. Laurie-Jane said...

My Mam gets hives it started with taking aspirin, but now it is thought to come when she is a bit stressed. My daughter is allergic to all things citrus thats a fun one. I like the bag the teacher will be pleased i'm sure. It's raining here too.

Laurie Freeman

2. Chris H said...

Cute wee bag for the teacher.
Poor hubby! I had an alergic reaction to medication years ago and had TERRIBLE hives for over a month!
I hope your hubby does not have them that long!

3. Forest Flame Millinery said...

Hive will come and go. I was told mine was trigger by stress since I had eliminated allergy to new detergent, fabric softener..etc. True enough, when I have proper meals and enough sleep, hive disturbs me less. The worst advice given by doctor was: It's mind over body. I wish at that moment that he gets hive everyday.

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