Thursday, October 27, 2011

Queen of zip pouches


How are you guys? It's really cold and rainy in Singapore. Demmit! Me mom is right. It's gonna rain every day until December. She's like a undiscovered weather satellite. This morning I took a 3-hour power nap as last night I lost track of time and went to sleep really late. I don't really have to justify my napping as you all live like really far, far away in another country but readers can be so judgy. (it's a real word; google it) Hmmm, where was I? Oh yeah, napping. I woke up in time to see the sun dying and quickly took photos of the stuff I had made. I got really lucky. After about 10 minutes, it rained like a hurricane. Usually I like to take photos between 2pm to 5pm because I like to take pics against a wall background and by then the sunlight would have reached my wall. Doesn't make sense? Anyway, I have news.

This weekend I'll be selling my bags and stuff at a shopping mall called VivoCity. It's a HUGE place and I'm not kidding when I say I can get lost in there. It's right next to the sea and it's a gorgeous place and you could spend the whole day there. It's my first time selling at VivoCity so it should be interesting. If my kids go with me, I might be able to do some shopping while they man the counter. Woo hoo!

So I was auditioning my pouches to see who's gets to go to VivoCity. You know, one day you're IN, the next day you're OUT. Hahahaha, what am I saying? I'm mixing my TV world with my real life. Every darn pouch I made gets to go to VivoCity.

You know I've been keeping count of the number of items I've made since September 2007, right? I keep count here. I discovered that I have made a staggering 232 zip pouches of which 186 are rectangular/square ones and 46 are wristlets. Are you impressed or amazingly blown away? I'm like a machine or something right? How can any human being make so many zip pouches? And certainly I should ask myself why I keep making zip pouches. But they're so versatile!

So, in honour of making 232 zip pouches, I declare myself the Queen of zip pouches.

Last night I was up making the stamped thingy into more zip pouches. Let's go to the runway, shall we?

Houses on raw linen

Hearts and vine on linen cotton

Leaves and apple on linen cotton

Girl with balloons on linen cotton

Tulips on linen cotton

I made a few other zip items a few days ago.

Apples wristlet

<Giggle> I've actually cut out the apples fabric for 2 more zip pouches but never got round to sewing them. Might be too much, right?

Henna wristlet

Henna coin pouch

You know what I noticed at craft markets? Caucasians dig this henna fabric most.

Country wristlet

I'll bet you knew I like this fabric because it has houses on it. It's linen cotton and I got a discount!

Flower flower wristlet

This fabric? I'm just trying to use it up. Need to make room for new fabric!

That's all I've made so far. Hey, Happy Halloween if you're celebrating it. It's not a tradition in Singapore. Okay, some scary news from Singapore. On Tuesday I read in the news that there was a drowning at Bedok Reservoir in Singapore. My first instinct was to ask me hubs to bet if it was a male or female.

Two things to deduce from this: One - I have a gambling problem. Two - I'm insensitive.

Okay, let me explain myself. Btw, I lost the bet of $10. It was female. I haven't paid up. I'm terrible at losing. Where was I? Yes, the explaining.

1. It all started in June this year. A lower half of a body was discovered in Bedok Reservoir. It turned out to be a young man from China who had gone missing in April. He could not cope with living in Singapore.

2. In September, a young woman and her young son drowned in Bedok Reservoir. The woman had problems with her estranged husband. They were dressed in red. Why red? There's a superstitious belief that a dead person dressed in red will become a vengeful ghost. Which is why at wakes no RED is allowed. Must remember that.

3. In October, an Indian foreign worker drowned in Bedok Reservoir despite witnesses' attempts to rescue him.

4. 2 days later, a Chinese man was rescued from Bedok Reservoir. He claimed to be drunk. Too drunk to remember he tried to end his life. He's still alive.

5. 2 days ago, an elderly Chinese woman drowned in Bedok Reservoir. She was dressed in RED.

Now you understand why I made the bet? Suddenly Bedok Reservoir became the go-to place to drown. I do hope the number stops at 5. Are these copycats? Maybe if the papers stop publishing the death, it may stop.

Geez, I just remembered I used to live close to Bedok Reservoir back in the days when the contractors were digging it. Me and my siblings used to go to the bottom (it wasn't filled then) and walk around. I cannot remember how tall the reservoir was but really freaking deep. Once, my brother went to the bottom and his slippers got stuck in the sticky mud and we saw he was sinking!  How scary it was. We pulled him out and decided to stay out of the reservoir. We wanted to live. You know what? I think Bedok Reservoir is alive!

See you next week kids!

Craft market details:
29th to 30th October 2011 (Sat & Sun)
11am to 10pm
Level 1, near POSB in front of Denizen.


1. Bethany said...

"that's all I've made so far." hahahaha--you made so many!! But I guess if you're the queen of zippies my "so many" is your "not much." I love the hearts and vines by the way. Probably my favorite. And when we hear of certain things on the news we're wont to say to each other "How much you wanna bet it was this or that?" I guess I'm insensitive too :)

2. Little Blue Mouse said...

Are you sure the first one was a suicide? Why was there only half a body? (actually I thought you'd been betting that the latest body was the other half)

3. Chris H said...

I wonder how well your new stamped zip pouches will sell?
Have a great weekend. And stay away from that reservoir!

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