Wednesday, December 16, 2009

White on Blue - EtsyBloggers Blog Carnival Dec 2009 Post

This is my first time doing a post for EtsyBloggers Blog Carnival. The question I am answering is: What are my favourite color combinations and what have I created using them?

I like white on blue. My inspiration comes from Sashiko, a traditional Japanese art form where decorative white embroidery is sewn on blue fabric.

White on blue makes the white so startling and that is why I am so smitten by it.

These are what I've done. Simple outline embroidery pouches and a shoulder bag.
For my future projects, I hope to incorporate my tatted lace on denim.White lace on blue is almost like sewing the outline of the lace on the fabric. I think.

What you see here is my practice tatted lace. It takes a long time to tat one motif so I don't think I can make many.


1. Unknown said...

Your tatted snowflake is lovely! Believe it or not you will get faster over time! I'm sure that the snowflake took what seemed like an eternity! You did a great job!

2. tamdoll said...

Your work is beautiful! I agree, the white on blue is such a nice contrast and shows off the designs.

3. jane p said...

Hi TattingChic
Thank you. I imagine you can tat with your eyes closed. I only know tatting using ball and shuttle. I took a look at your blog. It's like entering Neverland.

4. jane p said...

Hi tamdoll, you're the first EtsyBlogger to leave a comment. I thank you for that. Your crocheted key has inspired me. I might embroider one for my next bag.

5. storybeader said...

Welcome to the carnival, Jane! Gosh, that is a time-consuming project. Like weaving seed beads! Beautiful! {:-Deb

6. Made by Melissa said...

I agree, blue is a great color! The white embroidery looks really pretty against the blue background. Nice work!

7. Anonymous said...

I have been browsing through your blog but have fallen in love with this bag. Love the details on it. Will you be making anything similar anytime soon? (for me? please? ehehe)

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