Thursday, April 11, 2013

Orange Bird Messenger Bag

So it turned out I really wanted to be treated like a child. This treating making bags as "homework" is really working. I made another bag!

I made a messenger bag using the pattern I had made last year. (blogged here) I made it without using any interfacing as the fabric is pretty tough and I like the drapey look when it comes to large bags.

I marketed it as a weekend project but of course it didn't take me one weekend to make it. I didn't time myself but I estimate it took me 2 hours to make it. Anyone else would need a slightly longer time (ahem). I haven't sewed any messenger bag since I published the pattern as I made so many samples during the testing period that I couldn't face making another one. Not sure if you've been there before but making the same bag over and over is more or less the same as eating the same food every day. You go through yay!/okay.../blah/boo/sigh/sob. But enough time has passed and today I felt I could make one again.

I used a Ikea fabric and you may not have noticed but I don't use the colour orange much. This one is quite popular - in fact you could easily find many pouches and bags made in this fabric for sale in most handmade markets. I especially love the birds prints against the orange.

I wonder if anyone feels icky about using bags made out of Ikea fabric? I have come across women who literally flee when they find out the fabric bag they are so drawn to is made of Ikea fabric. I call them the Ikea-fabric-haters. I suppose it would be awkward if one goes visiting carrying this orange bird messenger bag and discovers a couch cover in the exact same print in the home.

Well, I have said this many times before. I love Ikea fabric, especially anything with birds! I get the feeling the quality of Ikea fabric has fallen over the years. I've been buying Ikea fabric for a long time and this is just based on my gut feeling. I still pine for some of their older solids which used to come in gorgeous slubs. The newer ones are not slubby at all. Some of the dye used are quite horrid as well. They run horribly and I have spent quite a lot of money on colour catchers and not to mention the time and effort in salting the fabric. Despite all the negatives, I still buy Ikea fabric from time to time but I am very selective about the print. I tend to run into trouble when I buy black prints in white background.

Oh, I couldn't resist adding a little embroidery to the birds! In case you're wondering, the bird is whistling "I don't give a fig about you..."  Yes, yes, of course I'm kidding. The bird is really whistling, pee pee poo pee pee. Speaking of birds, someone who lives opposite my block bought a bird and every day, for hours, especially in the morning, the bird would go:


Stupid dem bird. It's horrible especially when you have homework to complete.

Melly is saying: next time don't be such a crybaby.

Poor Bear is still traumatized he couldn't fit into my scooter shoulder bag yesterday. So glad the messenger bag is a big one (for his big butt <giggle, giggle>)

If you want to get the pattern for this messenger bag, it's available for purchase at my Etsy store here. It's instant download which means you can download it within seconds after your payment is complete. Please use the coupon code EASY20 for a 20% discount. This promotion will end on Friday, Singapore time.

Oh, to add another craft under my belt, tonight I'm attending a bookbinding workshop! Will tell you guys about it another day.


1. Bethany said...

Oh that fabric is great!
Would you believe I work with a guy who eats the same exact thing every day? At the same exact (to the minute) time every day? I've worked with him for eleven years and every day it's the same. I'm not sure if that's moxie or insanity.

2. nissaMade said...

I love fabric with birds too.. I couldn't find that one last time I went to ikea, will need to try again. Great bag.

3. *Tea said...

hi jane, long time not seen but you are still into bags, thats great! and a few other stuff, the hairpins are really cute ^_<
the little stiching on the birds bag really makes the difference i think, looks great!

4. Suzee said...

OHH I cant wait to read about your bookbinding !! I always drool over the ones I see on the net.. I love to do one in leather bound... i love books though lol and paper...

I love that bird fabric.. What I can see of the lining is cute..
Yes Bear looks happy... and I'm thinking Melly needs another hair wash LOL shes looking abit roughed up.. I think Bear clobbered her one..

5. ChrisW Designs said...

LOLL...I had to laugh when I read this post because I just finished making a messenger bag pattern....with 3 versions in one (It has two differnt flap styles and piping etc) and I am SO over making this bag because of the many samples I made testing the pattern! LOLL I can't get the Ikea fabric here BUT the orange one on your messenger certainly looks interesting to me! :)
- ChrisW Designs

6. Linda said...

I LOVE the orange fabric! The bag is beautiful!

7. Little Blue Mouse said...

I'm not generally a fan of orange, but that is gorgeous!

Bear and Melly look really cosy in that bag together.

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