Monday, November 26, 2012

My one thousandth project

People in my monitor,

I'm very happy to announce that I have completed my 1,000th project. A few years ago I started counting the number of projects I have completed since I started making bags in 2007. The goal was to reach 1,000 Projects Before I Die. I did it.

If you're wondering if I'm dying, the answer is No. Back then, I thought 1,000 was a unreachable figure. I had no idea I could sew like a machine. I'm almost non-human!

You know when I started sewing and blogging in 2007, I imagined I would move on from bags to other stuff which was the reason why I did not call my blog "Bags By Jane". However, bags have occupied most of my waking moments and I only managed to make a small number of non-bags items. That's my biggest regret. Not that I'm losing sleep over it. It's just that looking back, I think I would have grown more in my sewing if I had also tackled other stuff.

It is a relief to reach 1,000 because now I can stop counting. I'm really sick and tired of keeping count. I won't set another goal of 2,000 projects because what's the point, right? Besides, my interests and priorities have changed.

For my 1,000th bag, I wanted to seriously get rid of more of my fabric remnants. I have so much fabric remnants that it bothers me. So I sewed pieces of the larger remnants together to form a quilted fabric. I did include a few pieces of fabric not from remnants because I thought they fitted in. Sewing the fabric pieces together took up a really long time. My god, I considered quitting and just making a regular bag.

Finally it was done and I felt so relieved. Sometimes I wonder why I always have to try so hard. I think that's my appeal, in a stupid sort of way.

Here's the front of the bag. I chose a simple shape because I like simple shapes.

This is the back. You probably recognise a lot of the fabric.

It's a top zip bag and I wish the zipper shops sell red zipper pulls but I have to use black because that's how it is in Singapore. Red zipper? Yes. Red zipper pull? No. Idiots.

I'm very happy with this bag. I think it's worthy of the title - the 1,000th bag. To celebrate this 1,000th bag, I shall give myself a one-day break from sewing. Also, my whole body aches like freaking hell after yesterday's run.

I'm going to this partay: Sew Many Ways and Tea Rose Home


1. Tiba said...

What a beauty Jane! I love it.Tiba

2. Anna said...

Wow, 1000 is quite an achievement. Congratulations on reaching this 'kilo-bag' milestone.

3. Linda said...

Congratulations on reaching your goal!!! That's wonderful!
You're right though. Now you can just enjoy the process and not have to try so hard to reach a certain number. I've never counted my quilts or other projects. I just know that I picked up a stack from a quilt shop that is going out of business and I don't have a place to put them all! The stack is about 4 feet high (they are all folded in half) and that is not all I've made!

4. Suzee said...

Wow you are amazing...and dedicated. I love that bag.i have so many scraps they have took over two giant should take more then one day off lol what are your sewing plans now? Congrats!!

5. Sunfire said...

Great job on reaching your goal! You definitely deserve, like, a whole week off after that.
Can't wait to see what other sorts of things you tackle, now that you can relax and really have fun with it.

6. Dee said...

Congrats on reaching your 1000 bags goal. That is a significant achievement.

7. Anonymous said...

Congratulations Jane! And wow, you've done a great job on the bag. And it is a metaphore of all 1000 in this way. Thank goodness you can stop counting! Wishing you a lot of inspiration for future projects. I am sure the name will be well chosen after all. Warm regards,Carolien

8. Laurie-Jane said...

Such a lovely milestone bag too. how brilliant it must feel to reach the goal you set yourself. Well done.

9. Little Blue Mouse said...

Well done on reaching your goal!

You say you regret not branching out from bags as if you really are dying! Come on, you've plenty of time left for a change of direction.

10. Sachiko said...

Your purses are very cute! Thank you for linking to my party, and sharing your creation. :)

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